Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A woman's right to choose? Or a baby's right to live?

Hello Everyone! (this was written March '08)

This is Morgendee... this is NOT a forward, but rather words from my heart to yours! So, please read up... I got pretty passionate this morning :)

I wanted to pass along this story and these pictures to my family and friends! I have a point... so read on :)

This is from one of my director girlfriends (Kathy) in Mary Kay. In January she was at Leadership Conference in Houston when her water broke the day she was headed back to her home in Virginia... she was only 16 weeks pregnant at the time. She was rushed to the hospital and her husband flew down by her side, as they knew not what was going to happen to the baby! The baby, Deidra-Elise, was alive, minus all of her amniotic fluid surrounding her! A few days later Kathy was released, flew home and was on TOTAL BED-REST... TOTALLY... BATHROOM ONLY! She also had regular doctors appointments for about 5 weeks since being home from Houston.

I've been emailing her back and forth for the past several weeks, as I wanted her to keep me abreast of everything going on with the baby and herself. She was doing great (all things considering), the doctors said that the best case scenario would be that she could make it to 24 weeks and then the baby could get steroid treatments to help with lung development... that would still only give the baby 50% chance to survive.

Here is an email that she sent to me on Feb. 13th explaining her situation to me:
Hey girl! Yes my water broke (at 16 weeks) Sunday before Julius Henderson's workshop and they kept me at the Local Hospital until Monday night. Judie & Gary stayed w/me until Jay got there and then he flew me home to the Doctors here. I had been going ever 3 days for a Sono to check on the baby until last Tuesday when my fever climbed so we went to the hospital thinking they were going to take the baby because I had received an infection but after a 6 day stay thereturns out I had a flu bug so we are back at home again on bed rest to take it day by day. My baby still has no fluid because I did not seal over and refill so the chances of her living even if I carry her full term are slim to none.

I do know however that GOD is a higher power then any of today's science and Jay & I are confident that He will work things out according to his plan for our lives. If I do make it to March 23 (I would be 24 weeks pregnant by then) I will be admitted to the Hospital for the duration of the pregnancy since baby will be considered viable and they can work on her with steroid treatments to enhance her lung development, etc. So we are taking it one day at a time and trying to make arrangements for Ariana (3yrs) & Isabella (2yrs May 5th) since there is no way that Jay can take of from work for 4 months!Please keep us in your prayers and have a great February! Pink Hugs,Kathy

Here is an update on March 6th from Kathy:
baby Deidra- Elise Benitez is 1lb-1oz as of yesterday and from everything that science can measure she is growing perfectly. With no fluid we have still no way of knowing (because there is no test available for this) if her lungs are developing at all. So we are taking it day by day and trusting with peaceful hearts that God is in control of her outcome!

Easter Sunday they will admit me to the hospital for the duration of the pregnancy so they can work more intensely and yes, to ensure I stay off my feet!

And here is an updat
e that I received on March 9th... just a couple of days after she wrote me the email above.

I wanted to let you all know, Jay and I had to rush to the hospital Thursday night (3-6-08) where Deidra-Elise was born at 11:37 pm and went with God, a little past 12:00am. At 22 weeks she was 15 ounces and 10 ¼ inches long…she was absolutely beautiful and perfect in every way…she was just born too early and there was absolutely nothing the doctors could do for her.

We were able to hold her during her short lifetime, talk to her and sing to her as she began her journey to meet our heavenly father. We are doing as well as can be expected and are home now. I wanted to take this moment to tell you about the baby, but also to thank you all from all of my heart for your prayers, concerns, letters, cards, emails, flowers, meals, help and love during these last couple months. Without you, I am not sure we would’ve been able to focus on our little one the way we did. The better way to look at this is we have been expecting the worse and hoping for the better for the last 5 weeks and unfortunately got the worse; however, in just her short minutes on earth, she has taught us how to live each waking moment with love, determination and happiness. She will forever live in our hearts and will forever live as a great example on how to fight for life no matter how bleak the picture may seem.

God gives and God takes away… blessed be His name! We are thankful that we are very blessed with 2 beautiful, healthy, intelligent girlies and we will continue on as a blessed family! We love you all…and once again from our hearts, THANK YOU!

Jason & Kathy

This was a tragic loss for this family, especially for Kathy as she was carrying the baby and going through a lot with her health as well (infection, etc.).

Please keep this family in your continued prayers as I KNOW they struggle daily with the loss of Deidra-Elise.

The thing that got me about this final email (below) and the pictures that Kathy sent is that PEOPLE HAVE ABORTIONS and some people even think THIS ISN'T A LIFE!

Take a good look at these few pictures that Jason and Kathy sent... isn't she tiny and beautiful? Perfectly formed, just too little!

okay... here I go............

HOW IN THE WORLD could a woman POSSIBLY think about aborting such a beautiful, innocent life... WRECKING a life (the baby's) to "save" their own... completely selfish!

I'M SO SICK of the "save the whales / sea turtles / dog fighting / dolphins" mentality and NOT CARING ABOUT A HUMAN LIFE but rather a "woman's choice"... INCREDIBLY HYPOCRITICAL! (don't get me wrong, i LOVE all kinds of animals... but I will always advocate for HUMAN LIFE above any kind of animal!)

Now that I'm getting older and yes, oh so much wiser (hehehe!)... it just SICKENS me and makes me want to VOMIT and CRY MY EYES OUT!

Please, please, please get this message out to everyone! So that if people EVER think about taking their own baby's life just to salvage their own... they take a second, third and fourth look at the beautiful pictures below! SHE IS A LIFE! And if THEY don't want the baby... there are PLENTY of ppl out there that would gladly take a child!

As a matter of fact, there are SOOOOOOOOOO many couples that aren't privileged enough to be able to have children... the selfishness of taking a life is just despicable!

I'm so passionate about this... I've been talking to Neal a lot lately about becoming a lobbyist... not sure what for, I just wanted to fight for morality in our nation in some way! I love our country but feel that we are taking a downward spiral in what effects us now-days. Everything is so "acceptable" now days. Maybe abortion or the "woman's right to choose" is a great subject to go against!

ABORTION AFTER CONCEPTION IS WRONG, WRONG, WRONG! (of course if there is incest or rape the situation could be different, however that is a TINY percentage of women seeking abortions!

I could go off on a new subject that's been introduced into the world lately through DIVINE Hollywood (ha!)... BABIES WITHOUT BEING MARRIED? what in the heck? and what about this hollywood mentality of "marriage being just a piece of paper"... WHERE IS GOD IN THEIR LIVES? HE isn't! Don't get me started on that because I could GO OFF on that subject! It's VERY disgusting as well! Neal and I were talking last night.. who in Hollywood to you know right now that IS IN FACT married????

Remember, GOOD is still LOST! Just because these people maybe advocates for 'humanity' or 'dolphins' or whatever CERTAINLY does not make them righteous in God's eyes! And isn't that who matters?

When we all pass away... we want the Lord to say, "Well done, my good and faithful servant." and NOT, "depart from me, I never knew you"....

i'm getting closer to a close here :)

So, all in all this boils down to ALWAYS living our lives aligned with God's plan for our lives and OBEYING His word (THE BIBLE!)!

I write this to you, not as a perfect person (and you ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL know that!), but as THE BIGGEST sinner (thankfully we have forgiveness and grace through Jesus, right? I'm SOOO thankful! I could never hold up His standard!) and a woman with a passion for morality in my family first and foremost (b/c i want to see you ALL in heaven with me) and in this great, great country that I love so much! I believe in this country and I do believe in our government... I'm not one to buy into all the governmental conspiracy theories (and in my opinion think this is the Christian way to think!).

YOU can make a difference in who you vote for each election (imagine being in a communistic country?) AND of course most importantly in how you live your own life!

I love you all SOOOOOOOOOO much!


Are you serious? Come on people!

Hello, Friends and Family! (Hold on tight... I might offend some and if I do, I'm certainly not being self righteous, but just expressing my opinions...right or wrong.. they are just my opinions. So please don't hate me!)

I guess I really need to create a blog... but instead I'll just email ya'll with these great little forwards that I get and of course I feel like YOU are entitled to my opinion :) hehe! Bear with me, because this is another soapbox moment!

Okay, okay... I know ya'll probably get tired of me always being on my "political" soapbox. But, in my defense; morals, values, high standards and of course Christian beliefs are my passion and because of these things, it leads me to be passionate about politics... I don't believe in separation of church and state. How can we separate God from our politics? We can't! Are we supposed to take God out of the 'political arena'? I don't know how people can do that! Because my whole life is based around my beliefs (I'm not saying I'm perfect!).

My thoughts on many of today's political platforms (abortion, gay marriage, homosexuality in general, racial and gender discrimination (God created ALL humans equal!), giving to those underpriviledge (but NOT enabling... HUGE difference!)) all stem from what the Bible say. Not what 'my church' says or 'my preacher' says, but what the Bible teaches. Thus, that is why most of my views are conservative in nature.

We HAVE to keep God priority in ALL areas of our lives... not just in the church building!

Below are two emails that I received today. One is from my sister and the other is from my friend, Tracy. Both are about Barack Obama and they are both very interesting.

Early in the election I said that if I were a democrat that I would vote for Obama over Hillary (in the primaries you have to vote your political party only).... just because I knew more about "the Clinton machine" than Obama, I thought he couldn't be any worse than the Clintons... goodness gracious, was I wrong! Dig a little deeper and you'll see for yourselves....

In all honesty, I'm sooo NOT into this election this year. There is not one candidate that I'm particularly passionate about. I think Barack Obama is a very inspirational person and I would love to meet him. McCain is a hero and has endured so much and is sooo cute and I think meeting him would be really coo, too :), I could pass on Hillary Clinton altogether quite honestly ... But as far as their politics? I'm not passionate about any candidate this year (like I have been in previous years)...

Did you know that most people in America base their votes on what the media says about someone or how the media portrays someone? Did you know that most voters vote based on their political affiliation and not based on whose political policies are more in line with their values? Did you know that many Americans have already made up their mind as to who they are going to vote for and it's not even November yet?

We are all so priviledged to be in a country where we have freedom of religion and freedom of speech (although don't you just want to smack some people!!!) where we can talk openly about these kinds of things? Sometimes I just don't think people GET IT! We are blessed to live in the United States of America, we are blessed to have equality, we are TREMENDOUSLY blessed to be living in country of democracy where the people get to vote! No, our country is not perfect, but I believe we are the closest thing to perfect out there :) AND we have a government FOUNDED on Biblical principles and founded by Christian men! Wow... we are blessed to be born in this country... imagine being born in Iraq? or Iran? Or China?

Not long ago, the liberals invented "political correctness" and when I speak, I now feel like I have to 'walk on eggshells' as to not "offend" someone just in case I might say "black man" versus "African American man" or "white guy" versus "Anglo Saxon man".. or "mexican" versus "hispanic".... so silly, don't you think?? Why can't I just say what I say and no one get offended? I wouldn't mean to offend anyone! If I was called a "hick", "cracker", "gringo", "hillbilly", "redneck", "chick"... I wouldn't take offense to it, would you? If you would, you really just need to loosen up a bit and not take things so personal... it's not about you!

And another thing, some people say that Obama's "reverend" Jeremiah Wright's statements should have no bearing on Obama whatsoever. Are you kidding me? Would you attend a church that preached something you didn't agree with or believe in? I have heard that some people do, but I wouldn't? I go to the church that I go to because I believe what we teach which is straight from the Bible... I've never heard my preacher rant and rave like Jeremiah Wright. My preacher focuses on THE BIBLE and not how the government created the HIV virus... how is that lifing his congregation up spiritually? When you go to church it is to fellowship with other believers, to build each other up and to GROW as a Christian in your knowledge of God's word through Bible study... NOT to get everyone hyped up about a political issue or political candidate.... strange to me that he even preaches that nonsense from the pulpit... is his congregation growing spiritually by listening to his political rhetoric? I can't imagine that they are???

Okie doke... to finish out my little "rant", I just want to introduce to you the below that was sent to me today.

the first thing is an article written by a black man named Kenneth Blackwell. I googled him and found out he was a former Secretary of State in Ohio and ran for governor of OH years ago. Very interesting article coming from a black man... I love his perspective and as a white woman of course I have no credibility if I were to write such a piece

The second thing is a you tube clip that is 13 minutes long about some things we already know about Obama's record and his statements, but there is some new stuff in there as well... so, watch it when you have a few minutes.

Thanks for listening and even if you don't agree with my political perspectives... know that I love you so much! :)


What a black politician / contributing columnist has to say about Obama

This is worth reading and passing on...

this is so true!! is everyone registered to vote???

We all need to be in prayer for our country and what is happening at this time

written by Kenneth Blackwell

It's an amazing time to be alive in America. We're in a year of firsts in this presidential election: the first viable woman candidate; the first viable African-American candidate; and, a candidate who is the first frontrunning freedom fighter over 70. The next president of America will be a first.
We won't truly be in an election of firsts, however, until we judge every candidate by where they stand. We won't arrive where we should be until we no longer talk about skin color or gender.

Now that Barack Obama steps to the front of the Democratic field, we need to stop talking about his race, and start talking about his policies and his politics.

The reality is this: Though the Democrats will not have a nominee until August, unless Hillary Clinton drops out, Mr. Obama is now the frontrunner, and its time America takes a closer and deeper look at him.

Some pundits are calling him the next John F. Kennedy. He's not. He's the next George McGovern. And it's time people learned the facts.

Because the truth is that Mr. Obama is the single most liberal senator in the entire U.S. Senate. He is more liberal than Ted Kennedy, Bernie Sanders, or Mrs. Clinton.

Never in my life have I seen a presidential frontrunner whose rhetoric is so far removed from his record. Walter Mondale promised to raise our taxes, and he lost. George McGovern promised military weakness, and he lost. Michael Dukakis promised a liberal domestic agenda, and he lost.

Yet Mr. Obama is promising all those things, and he's not behind in the polls. Why? Because the press has dealt with him as if he were in a beauty pageant.

Mr. Obama talks about getting past party, getting past red and blue, to lead the United States of America. But let's look at the more defined strokes of who he is underneath this superficial "beauty."

Start with national security, since the president's most important duties are as commander-in-chief. Over the summer, Mr. Obama talked about invading Pakistan, a nation armed with nuclear weapons; meeting without pre-conditions with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who vows to destroy Israel and create another Holocaust; and Kim Jong Il, who is murdering and starving his people, but emphasized that the nuclear option was off the table against terrorists — something no president has ever taken off the table since we created nuclear weapons in the 1940s. Even Democrats who have worked in national security condemned all of those remarks. Mr. Obama is a foreign-policy novice who would put our national security at risk.

Next, consider economic policy. For all its faults, our health care system is the strongest in the world. And free trade agreements, created by Bill Clinton as well as President Bush, have made more goods more affordable so that even people of modest means can live a life that no one imagined a generation ago. Yet Mr. Obama promises to raise taxes on "the rich."
How to fix Social Security? Raise taxes. How to fix Medicare? Raise taxes. Prescription drugs? Raise taxes. Free college? Raise taxes. Socialize medicine? Raise taxes. His solution to everything is to have government take it over. Big Brother on steroids, funded by your paycheck.

Finally, look at the social issues. Mr. Obama had the audacity to open a stadium rally by saying, "All praise and glory to God!" but says that Christian leaders speaking for life and marriage have "hijacked" — hijacked — Christianity. He is pro-partial birth abortion, and promises to appoint Supreme Court justices who will rule any restriction on it unconstitutional. He espouses the abortion views of Margaret Sanger (founder of Planned Parenthood), one of the early advocates of racial cleansing. His spiritual leaders endorse homosexual marriage, and he is moving in that direction. In Illinois, he refused to vote against a statewide ban — ban — on all handguns in the state. These are radical left, Hollywood, and San Francisco values, not Middle America values.

The real Mr. Obama is an easy target for the general election. Mrs. Clinton is a far tougher opponent. But Mr. Obama could win if people don't start looking behind his veneer and flowery speeches. His vision of "bringing America together" means saying that those who disagree with his agenda for America are hijackers or warmongers. Uniting the country means adopting his liberal agenda and abandoning any conflicting beliefs.

But right now everyone is talking about how eloquent of a speaker he is and — yes — they're talking about his race. Those should never be the factors on which we base our choice for president. Mr. Obama's radical agenda sets him far outside the American mainstream, to the left of Mrs. Clinton.

It's time to talk about the real Barack Obama. In an election of firsts, let's first make sure we elect the person who is qualified to be our president in a nuclear age during a global civilizational war.
Mr. Kenneth Blackwell, a fellow at the American Civil Rights Union and the Family Research Council, is a columnist for The New York Sun, and a contributing editor for Townhall.com.

Here’s a video you’ll want to watch and pass on. We’ve heard it all in bits and pieces; this brings it together.

After you’ve watched this, you’ll wonder, what has happened to our nation. Think about it; our young men now middle age and many even grandparents already: ear rings, necklaces, caps on backwards, piercing, tattoos, drugs, sexual revolution, and homosexual; and now their children are becoming voters. It all seems like generations of rebellion, doesn’t it? Now it’s all coming together.

Like the Wall Street Journal stated several months ago, citing the mindset of our nation, “we’ll get the leaders we deserve”.
